1. 1) IRPA YGN Website. Available at: http://www.irpa.net/YPN/index.asp, Accessed 31 July 2019.
2. 2) IRPA; Strategic Programme for 2016–2020, IRPA Webpage. Available at: http://www.irpa.net/docs/IRPA%20Strategic%20Programme%202016-2020.pdf, Accessed 31 July 2019.
3. 3) S. ANDRESZ, A. SAKODA, P. BRYANT, I.FERNAMDEZ, T. KONO, et al.; The IRPA Young Generation Network, Eur. ALARA Network Newslett., 41, 19–21 (2018).
4. 4) S. ANDRESZ, P. BRYANT, J. HEAPS, T. BEAUMONT, S. VECCHIOLA, et al.; Young professionals in radiation protection: challenges and perspectives —Outcomes of an international survey, Radioprotection, 54, 35–40 (2019).
5. 5) A. SAKODA, S. ANDRESZ and P. BRYANT; Launch of the IRPA Young Generation Network, IRPA Bulletin 18 (2018). Available at: http://www.irpa.net/members/54592/%7B07B3507E-F63F-4A15-8689-09C81C516B60%7D/IRPA%20Bulletin%2018%20(English).pdf (in English), http://www.irpa.net/members/54592/%7BF4881336-A7F8-40E1-BA13-105DE6D9C05F%7D/IRPA%20Bulletin%2018%20(Japanese).pdf (in Japanese), Accessed 31 July 2019.