The aim of this study is to develop a reliable and valid data collection tool for assessing child to parent violence in adolescents. A total of 418 students attending secondary education participated in the study, with 55% (220) being female and 45% (188) being male. Confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses were used to analyse the factor structure of the scale. The reliability of the scale presented in this study was evaluated using Item-total Correlations, Cronbach’s Alpha (α) and McDonald’s Omega (ω) coefficients. According to the results of factor analysis conducted in this study, it was determined that the Child to Parent Violence Scale (CPV-S) consists of 14 parallel items (Mother and Father forms) consisting of emotional, financial and physical violence dimensions. The results of Confirmatory Factor Analysis indicated that the scale generated good values for both the mother and father forms. Concerning criterion related validity, a significant positive relationship was found between child to parent violence for both mother and father forms and tendencies toward violence and adolescent-parent conflict. Lastly Cronbach’s Alpha and McDonald’s Omega coefficients for the Mother Form and Father Form is found to be sufficient. These results show that the scale presented in this study can be utilized to assess child to parent violence in adolescents.
Research on Education and Psychology
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