Evaluation of Psychological Help Needs, Stress and Hopelessness Among Postgraduate Students


ERBAŞ Melda Meliha1ORCID




Today, there is an observable increase in the demand for psychological help among individuals of all ages and educational levels. Hence, revealing the factors associated with the need for psychological help can support mental health professionals in planning more effective interventions. This study aims to examine the psychological help needs of graduate students concerning stress and hopelessness. The research sample comprises 255 master's and doctoral students from various universities To measure the study's variables, the Perceived Stress Scale, Beck Hopelessness Scale, and Psychological Help Need Scale were employed. Multiple linear regression analysis was utilized in this research to determine the predictive relationship between independent variables and the dependent variable. The results obtained from the analysis indicated a significant correlation between psychological help need, perceived stress, and hopelessness. Additionally, both stress and hopelessness were identified as significant predictors of psychological help need.


Research on Education and Psychology

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