1. Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi
One of the most basic assumptions of economics is that human beings are rational. The field of economics refers to this hypothetical human type as “Homo Economicus”. Thus, the behavioral and psychological characteristics of the human factor in mainstream economics have not found much study area. However, thanks to the fields of behavioral economics, experimental economics, and neuroeconomics that have developed in recent years, it has begun to be investigated in economics literature with the help of other disciplines, especially psychology, too. Along with these studies, the structure of the brain has met with economics, especially neuroeconomics, in studies conducted after the 2000s. However, most of these studies have primarily focused on microeconomic analysis. Macroeconomic issues related to the brain have been addressed only to a limited extent in the economics literature.The aim of the study is to contribute to the literature by establishing a relationship between the brain and economic growth. In the study, the relationship between the human brain and economic growth is discussed on the basis of the concept of entrepreneurship. While evaluating the concept of entrepreneurship, studies on the right brain, which is the creative and innovative side of the brain, have been examined. As a result of the study, it was concluded that individuals who is right-brain dominant and use this lobe effectively will be successful entrepreneurs and thus contribute to economic growth. In addition, recommendations for the development of the right brain and the identification and support of potential right-brain dominant entrepreneurs are presented as a result of the review.
Research on Education and Psychology
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