Photofission of209Bi at intermediate energies


Haba H.,Kasaoka M.,Igarashi M.,Washiyama K.,Matsumura H.,Oura Y.,Shibata S.,Sakamoto K.,Furukawa M.,Fujiwara I.


SummaryThe reaction yields of 63 radionuclides with the mass numberA= 56 − 135 produced in the photofission of209Bi by bremsstrahlung of end-point energies (E0) from 450 to 1100 MeV have been measured using a catcher foil technique with the aid of intensive chemical separation. The charge distribution was well reproduced by a Gaussian function with the most probable charge (Zp) expressed by a linear function ofA,i.e.,Zp=RA+S, and with theA-independent full width at half maximum (FWHMCD). The charge distribution parametersR,Sand FWHMCDwere independent ofE0above 600 MeV, reflecting the resonance nature in photonuclear reactions at intermediate energies. The weighted mean values atE0≥ 600 MeV wereR= 0.421 ± 0.001,S= 0.6 ± 0.1 and FWHMCD= 2.1 ± 0.1 charge unit (c.u.). The numbers of pre- and post-fission neutrons were deduced to be νpre= 12 ± 1 and νpost= 1.4 ± 0.3, respectively, assuming the Unchanged Charge Distribution (UCD). Based on the charge distribution parameters, the symmetric mass yield distributions with the most probable massApof 96 ± 1 mass unit (m.u.) and the width FWHMMDof 33 ± 1 m.u. were also obtained. The characteristics of the charge and mass yield distributions are discussed by referring to those for197Au based on the results of calculations using the Photon-induced Intranuclear Cascade Analysis code combined with the Generalized Evaporation Model (PICA3/GEM).


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

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