Reduction behavior of uranium in the presence of citric acid


Suzuki Yoshinori,Nankawa T.,Yoshida T.,Ozaki Takuo,Ohnuki T.,Francis Arokiasamy J.,Tsushima S.,Enokida Y.,Yamamoto I.


We examined the reduction behavior of UO22+in citrate media at pH 2.0−7.0 by column electrodes. At pH 2.0, UO22+was reduced to U(IV) through a one-step reduction process, while it was reduced to U(IV) through a two-step reduction process at pH 3.0−5.0. The reduction potential of UO22+shifted to lower values with an increase in pH from 2.0 to 7.0. At pH 6.0 and 7.0, UO22+was not reduced to U(IV) completely at the electrode potential above -0.8 Vvs. silver/silver chloride electrode. Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy and speciation calculation of UO22+in citrate media indicated that uranium existed as a mixture of UO22+, [UO2Cit]-and [(UO2)2Cit2]2-at pH 2−3, and a predominant species at pH 3−5 was [(UO2)2Cit2]2-(H3Cit: citric acid). At pH 5−7, polymeric complexes, probably, [(UO2)3Cit3]3-and [(UO2)6Cit6(OH)10]16-were present. These findings suggest that the reduction of UO22+is more difficult by polymerization of UO22+with citric acid at higher pHs. Absorption spectra of the reduced complexes showed that U(IV) forms soluble complexes with citric acid at pH 2.0−5.0, and presence of U(V) species was not observed during the reduction of UO22+.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Physical and Theoretical Chemistry







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