1. Phys and Matter submitted see also : Adv and and and and and Ph University of Karlsruhe Ph University of Karlsruhe and in : The Metal - Nonmetal Transition Revisited , ed by and Taylor and Francis London Ber;Tostmann;Chem Phys Rev Lett Phys Condens Matter Phys Condens Phys Condens Matter Phys Phys Condens Matter Phys Rev Lett Chem Phys Chem Phys Surf Sci Opt Soc Am Bunsenges Phys Chem,1998
2. Bunsenges Thermochemical Tables , Third Edition , Part I and II;Langmuir;Phys Chem Science Chem Phys Phys Rev Lett JOM Phys Chem Ref,1988