We consider a ferrofluid cylinder, that is rotating with constant rotation frequency Ω = Ωe
z as a rigid body. A homogeneous magnetic field H
0 = H
is applied perpendicular to the cylinder axis e
z. This causes a nonequilibrium situation. Therein the magnetization M and the internal magnetic field H are constant in time and homogeneous within the ferrofluid. According to the Maxwell equations they are related to each other via H = H
0 − M/2. However, H and M are not parallel to each other and their directions differ from that of the applied field H
0. We have analyzed several different theoretical models that provide equations for the magnetization in such a situation. The magnetization M is determined for each model as a function of Ω and H
0 in a wide range of frequencies and fields. Comparisons are made of the different model results and the differences in particular of the predictions for the perpendicular components H
y = −M
y/2 of the fields are analyzed.
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
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16 articles.