Modeling and analysis of the migration of HTO and237Np in a fractured granite core at the Äspö hard rock laboratory


Park Chung-Kyang,Kienzler Bernhard1,Vejmelka Peter1,Jeong Jong-Tae2


1. KIT, Institut für Nukleare Entsorgung (INE), Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Deutschland

2. Korea Atomit Research Institute, Daejon, Republik Korea


AbstractMigration characteristics of HTO and237Np were analyzed through experiments performed with a fractured granite core in the Chemlab2 probe at the Äspö hard rock laboratory in Sweden. These experimental data covered the elution of HTO and237Np as well as information of retained actinides onto the fracture surfaces. The flow field was simulated with a two-dimensional variable aperture channel model. The mass transport process was described with a random-walk method. Three types of basic migration processes were considered: advection, sorption and matrix diffusion. By a combination of these processes, specific effects of each process on transport were evaluated. The retardation of the neptunium were analysed quantitatively by the model. The results were compared to the experimental findings in terms of the elution curves and of distribution patterns on the fracture surface. The elution curves of HTO were used to determine the hydraulic propert ies in the fractured core such as the extent of a dispersion effect according to the flow rates. After termination of the migration test, the rock core was opened, and the retained radioactivities onto the fracture surfaces were measured to investigate an extend of237Np retardation and the retardation mechanism. A retardation factor was obtained by comparing the simulated results to the distribution of sorbed tracers along the flow path. The validity of sorption data from batch tests was also discussed for estimating migration of sorbing tracers.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

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