Quantum thermodynamics describes dynamic processes by means of the operators of entropy production
and time
do not commute. It exists the non-vanishing t–P commutator [
]=ik. Here the Boltzmann constant k has the physical meaning of a quantum of entropy. The t–P commutator immediately leads us to the t–P uncertainty relation ΔtΔP≥k/2. Hence the observables t and P are not sharply defined simultaneously. Similar uncertainty relations can also be expected for other pairs of conjugate variables with products of the physical meaning of an entropy. The free energy F and the reciprocal temperature (1/T) are the respective conjugate variables of an isolated system of many particles, which leads us to the F–(1/T) uncertainty relation ǀΔFǁΔ(1/T)ǀ≥k/2. It can be traced back to the t–P uncertainty relation mentioned above. In this way the Helmholtz free energy F and the temperatur T are introduced into quantum thermodynamics. The uncertainties ǀΔFǀ→0 and ǀΔTǀ→0 are negligible at low temperatures T→0, and quantum thermodynamics turns into the time-independent classical thermodynamics. Against this the uncertainties ǀΔFǀ→∞ and ǀΔTǀ→∞ grow unlimited at high temperatures T→∞, and classical thermodynamics loses its sense. In the limit of one particle the uncertainties cannot be neglected even at low temperatures. However a detailed discussion shows that the free energy f of a single particle vanishes within the whole range of temperatures T. This defines the particle entropy σ=ε/T=ak. The dimensionless entropy number a connects the particle energy ε=akT with the temperature T. The entropy number a of a single (s) independent particle can be calculated with the extended, temperature-dependent Schrödinger equation
φ=aφ. Here
2/4π)∇2 means the dimensionless entropy operator describing the entropy number a and thus the particle entropy σ=ak. Λ is the thermal de Broglie wave length. Finally we calculate by means of quantized particle entropies σ the internal energy E, the Helmholtz free energy F, the entropy S, the chemical potential μ, and the equation of state of an ideal gas of N monatomic free particles in full agreement with classical thermodynamics. We also calculate the partition function q=V/Λ
3 of a single free particle within the volume V. Here Λ
3 is a small volume element taking into account the wave–particle dualism of a single free particle of mass m at temperature T. Extension to a system of N free particles leads us to a simple geometrical model and to the conclusion that an ideal gas of independent particles becomes instable below a critical temperature T
C. T
C corresponds to the critical temperature T
BE of Bose–Einstein condensation.
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
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9 articles.