Gareeva Nailya A., ,Romanova Anna I.,
The most important component of the economic space of the Russian Federation is the innovative space of the regions, characterized by the presence of a high level of uncertainty and inconsistency of the ongoing socio-economic and political phenomena. The article presents the results of predicting the innovative development of the Volga Federal District and its leading regions: the Republic of Tatarstan, the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Nizhny Novgorod region using a synergistic model. The main trends in the change in innovative indicators of the Volga Federal District and the leading regions until 2027 are identified. In particular, the predictive indicators of the volume of production of innovative goods, the cost of innovative activities, gross profit from the sale of innovative products, innovative activity, and the profitability of innovative activities are determined. The practical use of a multifactorial synergetic model can be considered as an objective tool for assessing the innovative development of regional economic systems, identifying promising areas of innovation policy, and an important information resource in making managerial decisions.
Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies
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