1. 1. IAEA (1999) Report on the preliminary fact finding mission following the accident at the nuclear fuel processing facility in Tokai mura, IAEA-TOAC, Vienna.
2. 2. NSC Investigation Committee (1999) The report of the uranium processing plant criticality accident, Dec. 24, 1999, Nuclear Safety Commission, STA, Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese).
3. 3. RERF (1986) US-Japan joint reassessment of atomic bomb radiation dosimetry in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Ed. W. C. Roesch, Final report vol. 1-2, Radiation Effets Research Foundation, Hiroshima.
4. Residual Neutron-Induced Radionuclides in Samples Exposed to the Nuclear Explosion over Hiroshima: Comparison of the Measured Values with the Calculated Values
5. DS86 Neutron Dose: Monte Carlo Analysis for Depth Profile of 152Eu Activity in a Large Stone Sample