1. Retrospective Dose Assessment for the Population Living in Areas of Local Fallout from the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site Part I: External Exposure
2. 2. Gordeev, K. I., Vasilenko, I. Ya, Grinev, M. P., Ilyin, L. A., Keirim-Markus, I. B., Kiselev, M. Ph., Savkin, M. N., Stepanov, Yu. S., Lebedev, A. N. (2000) Assessment of absorbed and effective doses from ionizing radiation to the populations living in areas of local fallout from atmospheric nuclear explosions. Methodical directions MU Official publication. Ministry of Public Health of the RF, Sanitary State Service of the RF, Moscow. (in Russian).
3. Fallout from nuclear tests: health effects in Kazakhstan
4. Fallout from nuclear tests: dosimetry in Kazakhstan
5. 5. ICRP - International Commission on Radiological Protection (1993) Human respiratory tract model for radiological protection. Oxford: Pergamon Press; ICRP Publication 66.