Eclogite-like rocks from Southern Pirin Mountains – preliminary results about petrology and time of formation


Macheva Lyubomirka,Machev Philip,Vassilevа Rossitsa,Plotkina Yulia


North-northeast of the village of Ilinden (Southern Pirin Mnt.) three eclogite boudins were separated on the geological map in scale 1:50 000 (Sarov, 2010). The rocks belong to the Slasten lithotectonic unit. The mineral assemblage and mineral chemistry do not allow these rocks to be classified as eclogites. They can be considered as eclogite-like ones, formed by postmagmatic-metasomatic alteration of the host rocks. Based on LA-ICP-MS sphene U-Pb dating, eclogite-like rocks yield a Late Jurassic age (160±19 Ma).


Bulgarian Geological Society

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5. Sarov, S. (Ed.). 2010. Explanatory Note to the Geological Map of the Republic of Bulgaria. Scale 1:50 000. Map Sheets К-34-96-B (Hadzhidimovo) and К-34-96-G (Ilinden). Sofia, Ministry of Environment and Water, Bulgarian Geological Survey, 56 p.







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