
Rebegea LauraORCID,Tarlungianu Camelia,Anghel Rodica,Firescu Dorel,Corobcean Nadejda,Gales LaurentiaORCID


Europäische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Home About the Journal Peer Review Editorial Board For Authors Reviewer Recognition Archiv Kontakt Impressum EWG e.V. indexing in the Clarivate Analytics indexing in the Emerging Sources Citation Index Crossref Member Badge Erfolgreich durch internationale Zusammenarbeit PUBLIC HEALTH DOI 10.35630/2022/12/psy.ro.5 Received 14 December 2022; Published 6 January 2023 BURNOUT RISK EVALUATION IN MEDICAL ONCOLOGY – RADIOTHERAPY PERSONNEL Laura Rebegea1,2 orcid id logo, Camelia Tarlungianu1 , Rodica Anghel3 orcid id logo , Dorel Firescu4,5, Nadejda Corobcean1,6, Laurentia Gales3 orcid id logo 1 Department of Medical Oncology - Radiotherapy, „Sf. Ap. Andrei” Emergency Clinical Hospital, Galati, Romania 2 Medical Clinical Department, Faculty of Medicine, „Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Romania 3 „Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy”, Bucharest, Romania 4 IInd Clinic of Surgery, „Sf. Apostol Andrei” Emergency Clinical Hospital, Galati, Romania 5 Surgical Clinical Department, „Dunarea de Jos” University, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Galati, Romania 6 „Nicolae Testemitanu”State University of Medicine and Pharmacy. Chisinau, Moldova download article (pdf) laura_rebegea@yahoo.com, tarlungianucamelia@yahoo.com ABSTRACT Introduction: Even if, all studies evidenced that Burnout syndrome affects medical personnel from all medical specialties, the highest prevalence is in surgical, oncological and emergency medical specialties. Scope: Burnout syndrome evaluation in Medical Oncology and Radiotherapy personnel. Method and material: This study has involved 50 persons employee in Medical Oncology and Radiotherapy Department, from all categories: 11 superiors personal (medical doctors, physicists, psychologist), 31 nurses, and 8 auxiliary personnel (stretcher-bearer). The following questionnaires were used: professional exhaustion level questionnaire (with 25 items), questionnaire for attitude and adaptation in stressed and difficulties situations, BRIEF COPE and SES scale. Results: After professional exhaustion level questionnaire for superior personnel, emotional exhaustion prevalence, followed by reduced personal achievement and an accentuated increasing of affecting grade after first year of activity, with a pick around 10 years of activity were revealed. For nurses, share of depersonalization is relative homogenous, in moderate - low limits. The results revealed that 56% of personnel from this study have risk for burnout syndrome developing, without any prevention methods and 12% has already burnout syndrome. Conclusions: In general, this syndrome is under-evaluated and under-diagnosed, and its incidence can be diminishing by using the techniques of stress resistance, psychological counseling, cresting a friendly and tolerant professional climate.


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