The article contains theoretical studies aimed at identifying the load and detecting the factors that have a negative impact on implants. One of the reasons behind implant disintegration is bone tissue resorption, which is due to overload. Direct measurements of the oral cavity stresses affecting the tissues around the implants are basically impossible. The purpose here is to choose the optimal inclination of the implant in relation to the vertical axis in view of mismatch of the mandibular and maxillary alveolar arches. The study here employed the finite element method (FEM) relying on the universal FEM ANSYS package. Three patterns have been identified. First, the dependence of the destructive force on the bone tissue on the implant inclination angle (up to 5° — it is twice as low compared to the initial value, and above 20° — it becomes destructive). Second, the implant deviation in the transversal plane results in a greater decrease in strength, compared to its deviation in the sagittal plane. Third, the greatest destruction resulting from the stress-strain bone tissue status is observed in the cortical, and not in the spongy bone. The study allows proper selection of implants, their installation options, as well as scientifically reliable forecast of the respective long-term outcomes.
European Scientific Society