Among one of age-associated diseases, the syndrome of senile asthenia is increasingly common. The massive spread of senile asthenia syndrome among elderly patients forces us to look for new approaches to the treatment and diagnosis of this syndrome and other pathologies of organs and systems. The purpose of this study is: to determine the incidence and structure of comorbid pathology in patients with senile asthenia syndrome followed by the study of the clinical significance in the development of adverse complications in this category of patients. According to a retrospective analysis of hospitalized patients with senile asthenia syndrome and various comorbid conditions, it was revealed that in the structure of chronic non-infectious diseases, arterial hypertension took the first place among cardiovascular diseases — 130 (100%). The second place among comorbid pathology was taken by chronic heart failure — 84% of cases. Ischemic heart disease was detected in 97 people (74%). Also, a significant place in the structure was taken by chronic kidney disease — 54 (41.5%), degenerative-dystrophic changes in the joints in 123 (94%) cases. Thus, in the course of the study, it was revealed that senile asthenia syndrome is highly common among comorbid elderly patients. In addition, there is a certain relationship between senile asthenia syndrome and other age-related conditions, which undoubtedly affects the life expectancy and quality of life.
European Scientific Society