Fischev Sergey,Puzdyryova Marina,Dmitrienko Sergey,Domenyuk Dmitry,Kondratyuk Andrey
The level of development of each era determines
the specifics of recognizing diseases and teaching
about them. Nowadays, there is an increased interest
taken by patients in their own appearance as well as in
the structural features of the facial part of their heads. Another issue currently faced by the dentistry is
the growing prevalence of dentofacial anomalies and
deformities among various population groups.
The etiological factors behind anomalies and deformities include dental system congenital and acquired
pathologies, and especially dental arch defects .
The effect of the dental arches pathology on the
craniofacial status has been proven in numerous works
written by clinical experts [8, 9]. It has been noted that
the timely treatment and preventive measures offered
to patients with dental arches defects through different age periods, has a beneficial effect on the growth,
development and condition not only of the masticatory system, yet also on the adjacent organs and body
systems . Given the above, studying maxillofacial morphology in people with dental arch defects will remain an urgent issue for dentistry
European Scientific Society
Cited by
38 articles.