Diagnostics, pathogenesis and treatment of damage to the dura mater in spinal injury


Martikyan A. G.,Grin A. A.ORCID


The study objectiveis to discuss the issues concerning to pathogenesis, diagnostics and treatment of dura mater tear in spinal injuries. The issues regarding to the risk factors for dura mater tears and complications of surgical treatment in spinal injuries were considered.Results.It is established that the frequency of dural tears in spinal trauma varies from 7.7 to 65.0 %. The most informative and safe method of diagnosis is magnetic resonance myelography, but its specificity does not reach 100 %. To prevent the development of early and late complications in the postoperative period is mainly used dura mater sealing, preferably expanding plastic.Conclusion.The absence of the “gold standard” of dura mater defect closure in spinal trauma is associated with a variety of forms of dura mater damages and the difficulties of its plasticity and sealing.


Publishing House ABV Press

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