Epidemiology and characteristics of complicated injuries in patients with spinal fractures as a result of catatrauma


Kazakova E. Yu.1ORCID,Grin A. A.1ORCID


1. N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine, Moscow Healthcare Department; A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Ministry of Health of Russia


The study objectiveis to identify the features of diagnosis of patients with spinal cord injuries, resulting from falls from a height.Materials and methods.The data from 148 patients who were treated at the N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine in the period from 01.01.2011 to 04.01.2016 were analyzed. Of these, 98 patients (the studied group) were injured in the spinal column as a result of a fall from a height of more than 2 m, 50 people (the comparison group) suffered in traffic accidents. We used clinical data, laboratory and radiological diagnostic methods. The severity of injuries in spinal injury was assessed according to the Injury Severity Score. When assessing the neurological status in spinal patients, the ASIA (American Spine Injury Assosiation) scale was used.Results.Significant differences in age (p = 0.57) and sex (p = 0.24) in the groups were not observed. More often at night: in the period from 00:00 to 6:00 in the morning – 44 (44.9 %) patients. There were significantly more patients with combined spinal injury in the studied group – 60 (61.2 %) than in the comparison group – 24 (48 %) (p <0.05). The assessment of the severity of the patients showed that the proportion of victims with severe neurological disorders (ASIA A) in the studied group was 30.6 % (30 victims), while in the comparison group the number of such patients was significantly lower – 3 (6.0 %) patients (p <0.05). The average score on the Injury Severity scale in the studied group was 25.7 ± 5.5, in the comparison group – 26.3 ± 6.1. There were no significant intergroup differences in this indicator.Conclusion.Spinal cord injuries in catatrauma in 61.2 % of patients were accompanied by combined injuries of the internal organs and the musculoskeletal system. In 25.5 % of patients with catatrauma craniocerebral lesions were detected. On the ASIA scale, the proportion of victims with the most pronounced neurological disorders (ASIA A) was 30.6 %, and in the event of an accident – 6.0 %; to ASIA E – 36.8 % (in case of an accident – 64.0 %).


Publishing House ABV Press

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