1. Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov, Ministry of Health of Russia
2. Regional Clinical Hospital
The aim of studywas to describe a clinical case of central neurocytoma formation and course.Materials and methods.Patient C., 33 years old, admitted to the neurosurgical department of Regional Clinical Hospital with complaints of headache and sleep disturbance that troubled her for 2 months. No chronic diseases were detected. During the stay in the hospital, the patient was carried out a number of examinations: assessment of laboratory parameters in dynamics, magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, examination by specialists (neurologist, neuroophthalmologist).Results.Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain revealed a solid volume cystic formation of the left frontal lobe. Bone plastic trepanation and microsurgical removal of the intracerebral cystic tumor in the left frontal area were performed. Revealed neuroradiological and histological characteristics allowed differentiation of neurocytoma from other histological variants. According to magnetic resonance imaging no tumor growth was observed 5 months after surgery. A course of radiation therapy was conducted.Conclusion.This clinical case presented the peculiarities of the course, diagnosis, surgery and immunohistochemical analysis of patient with central neurocytoma.
Publishing House ABV Press
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