High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) in the treatment of localized prostate cancer. From total to focal ablation


Aboyan I. A.1,Pakus S. M.1,Badyan K. I.1,Hasigov A. V.2,Galstyan A. M.1


1. Clinical and Diagnostic Center “Zdorovie”

2. Department of Radiation Diagnostics with Radiation Therapy and Oncology, North Osetian State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health of Russia


A review of the literature is devoted to the urgent issue of modern oncourology — the treatment of prostate cancer using high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). Currently, there is a trend in shifting the approach from total to focal ablation in patients with prostate cancer of low risk in order to reduce the profile of complications. The article presents the results of modern research on HIFU in both total and focal ablation. Data on oncological, functional results of treatment are given.


Publishing House ABV Press


Urology,Nephrology,Radiology Nuclear Medicine and imaging,Oncology,Surgery

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