1. N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center
Background. Multiple primary malignant tumors (MPMT) - 2 or more tumors, arising during patient life - are an important risk factor of cutaneous melanoma (CM). The frequency of MPMT in Russia ranges from 2 to 20 % with the incidence increasing. This tendency is linked mainly with the increasing life expectancy of the patients, with use of a potentially carcinogenic treatment methods, with the influence of adverse environmental factors and genetic predisposition In 15 patients with MPMT, including CM, has revealed a trend towards more frequent family history in male patients. In female patients MPMT included breast, ovarian and renal malignant tumors. CM relapses were observed shortly after surgical removal of the primary tumors. Objective. Clinical and genetic characteristics of patients with MK in MPMT structure. Materials and methods. Disease histories, MPMT structure and CM mutational status (PCR followed by direct sequencing of amplions) were analyzed in 8 male and 7 female patients with MPMT included metastatic CM. Results. A preliminary analysis of 15 patients with metastatic CM in MPMT structure has revealed some gender features. In female patients MPMT more often included breast, ovaries or kidney tumors. Excess body weight or obesity was detected in female patients (5/7) more often than in male patients (4/8). There is a tendency to more frequent family cancer histories in male patients compared to female ones - 3/8 vs. 1/7 in 3/8 male patients somatic mutations in BRAF gene (2) and PDGF gene (1) were identified in CM. The frequency of mutations of BRAF and NRAS genes in CM of female patients was 2 times higher than that of male patients. The combination of CM with bowel cancer was prevalent in male patients. In 2/7 male patients CM was the last tumor in MPMT structure, in 5/7 - the first, with the exception of the patient with primary multiple melanomas, while CM as the first tumor was revealed in 4/7 female patients and last CM - in 1/7 ones. Conclusions. Various combinations of tumors in MPMT structure were characterized in male and female patients. In female patients MPMT included breast, ovarian and renal malignant tumors/were the most frequent, while the combination CM with bowel tumors were prevalent in male ones. In male patients CM was diagnosed as the first tumor more frequently than the last one. The frequency of mutations in BRAF and NRAS genes in MK tumors in female patients with MPMT was 2 times higher than that in male patients. In 15 patients with MPMT, including CM, a trend towards more frequent family cancer history in male patients was revealed. CM relases were observed shortly after surgical removal of the primary tumor.
Publishing House ABV Press
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