Complex anti-ichemic therapy of the early postoperative period of organ-preserving operational treatment of renal cellular cancer


Shormanov I. S.1,Los’ M. S.2,Titov K. S.3


1. Yaroslavl State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia

2. Yaroslavl Regional Clinical Hospital

3. A.S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Scientific Center, Moscow Healthcare Department


Currently it is a constant search for new and effective methods of protection against ischemic injury in limb-salvage surgery on kidneys. Objective – improvement of functional results of surgical treatment, reducing the time of hospitalization. Materials and methods. We conducted a clinical trial involving 69 patients. Time “warm ischemia” – 14,2 ± 2,4 min. All performed on the kidney sparing surgery for renal cell carcinoma for elective indications. After surgery, the study group (n = 35) held sessions of hyperbaric oxygenation parallel receiving α-tocopherol acetate. The control group included 34 patients. The analysis of inflammatory changes in tindicators of total blood test, glomerular filtration rate, the state of immunity, peripheral circulation, renal function, the assessment of quality of life was performed. Results. The scheme of post-operative rehabilitation of patients with renal cell carcinoma helps to activate the anti-inflammatory and immune response to surgical treatment, more rapid and complete restoration of blood flow and function of organ operated. Conclusion. This reduces the incidence of postoperative complications and period of hospitalization.


Publishing House ABV Press

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