New approaches to management of erectile dysfunction and lower urinary tract symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia


Gamidov S. I.1ORCID,Shatylko T. V.2ORCID,Gasanov N. G.2ORCID,Naumov N. A.2ORCID


1. V.I. Kulakov National Medical Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Ministry of Health of Russia; I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia

2. V.I. Kulakov National Medical Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Ministry of Health of Russia


This paper addresses the background of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors use in erectile dysfunction and lower urinary tract symptoms, as well as a special position which is held by tadalafil as an only drug from its class suitable for daily intake. Tadalafil pharmacodynamics and hypotheses concerning its mechanism of action on prostatic tissue are discussed. Special attention is paid to drug»s efficacy and safety in elderly men, who often require therapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia with lower urinary tract symptoms. It is mentioned that tadalafil may be used in penile rehabilitation programs in men who underwent radical prostatectomy.


Publishing House ABV Press


Urology,Reproductive Medicine,Surgery

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