Experience in treatment of glial tumors using the CyberKnife device


Safronova E. V.1,Fedorova A. A.1,Demina M. N.1


1. Oncostop LLC


The study objective is to determine the effectiveness of stereotactic radiotherapy in treatment of glial cerebral tumors.Materials and methods. Results of using stereotactic radiotherapy in treatment of recurrent cerebral gliomas in 30 patients and primary glial tumor in 1 patient who couldn’t receive traditional radiotherapy were analyzed. Treatment was administered both to adults (n = 22) and children (n = 9). Prior to treatment all patients underwent pre-radiotherapy preparation in the form of contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance topometry of the brain, computed tomography with topometry, as well as positron emission tomography/computed tomography with amino acids (n = 21).Results. During treatment 2 patient developed grade II toxic reactions requiring emergency medical help. In 29 patients, treatment did not cause any complications. At the time of article preparation, 7 patients were alive; maximal follow-up period was 55 months, median follow-up duration was 8 months.Conclusion. Stereotactic radiotherapy can be used for disease stabilization. The results show effectiveness and safety of stereotactic radiotherapy as a salvage method of local treatment in patients with recurrent glial tumors of the brain.


Publishing House ABV Press

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