Roos Ana Selvia,Budi Sulistiyo Agung,Prasetyo Whedy
Abstract: This study examines the effect of the relationship between intellectual capital, good corporate governance, and firm value by using competitive advantage as mediation. Design/methodology/approach : This study uses a sample of companies registered in CGPI during the 2014-2018 period. Data analysis using regression and path analysis.Research findings : The research results show that the creation of a competitive advantage is inseparable from the role of intellectual capital and good corporate governance. In addition, competitive advantage is able to increase firm value but unfortunately it is not able to mediate company value.Theoretical contribution/ Originality : This study uses M-VAIC to measure intellectual capital where in this measurement there is additional relational capital, and the use of competitive advantage as a mediating variable.Practitioner/Policy implication : This study proves the resourced-based theory which states that a company can win the competition by having a competitive advantage so that in the end it can increase firm value.Research limitation/Implication: This study only includes CGPI listed companies as the research sample. In addition, the independent variables used are limited to intellectual capital and good corporate governance. Keywords: intellectual capital, good corporate governance, competitive advantage, company value
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
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2 articles.