Челноков Андрей,Chelnokov Andrey,Городничев Руслан,Gorodnichev Ruslan
The monograph is devoted to the study of age-related features of presynaptic, recurrent, non-reciprocal and reciprocal inhibition of the human spinal cord. New data on the formation of structures and functions of the spinal cord, peripheral nervous system, skeletal muscles in pre - and postnatal ontogenesis are summarized. Modern data on presynaptic, recurrent, nonreciprocal and reciprocal inhibition in the Central nervous system are presented. The original methodological techniques adapted by the authors for the study of various types of inhibition in the human spinal cord are presented. The age stages of formation and formation of different types of spinal inhibition in humans are described, age-related features of inhibitory processes in the implementation of arbitrary motor activity are analyzed.
The monograph is intended for neurophysiologists, pediatricians, specialists in the field of age physiology, teachers of pedagogical, sports and medical universities.
INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC.
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2 articles.