Modern assessment methods of the effectiveness of chewing phases in orthopedic treatment (literature review)


Васильева ,Vasileva T.,Митин ,Mitin N.,Гришин ,Grishin M.


In this literature review details the diversity of methods for determining the chewing efficiency, currently existing in the dental practice. Chewing is one of the main functions of the dental system, determine its condition. Chewing efficiency largely depends on the state of the entire dentition. Therefore, the quality of orthopedic treatment at different stages of permissible assessed using various methods for determining the efficiency of chewing. The article discusses in detail current methods of assessing the function of chewing phases of orthopedic treatment. A brief description of the nature of each method definition chewing efficiency, according to the classification is presented in the literature. A comparative characteristic of the positive and negative aspects of the known methods is carried out. The authors assess their labor intensity, sensitivity, availability and distribution, diversity and quality of the used test material. A special place is the consideration of modern methods, based on an assessment of the effectiveness of chewing area of occlusal contact with the various techniques of computerized data analysis. The authors do attempt to explore the possibilities of various systems of computerized analysis of occlusion for the assessment of chewing efficiency, taking into account the accuracy of individual features and occlusal relationship. They emphasize efficiency, high precision of the studied method and the need for further development of this direction in the dental practice.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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