Comparative characteristics of clinical and genetic relationships pathology amount of amniotic fluid and congenital malformations of the fetus


Каркусова ,Karkusova Alla


A comparative analysis of clinical and genetic relationship pathology of amniotic fluid and congenital malformations during the study 12150 case histories of women aged 16 to 45 years. To identify the disease heritability amount of amniotic fluid and to establish relationships with congenital fetal development floggings calculation of direct and indirect correlations between them. Was used the estimation of the genetic community pathological content of the amniotic fluid and malformations, which amounted to 27.9% at oligohydramnios, at polyhydramnios - 25.8%, which allows women who have a history of pregnancy with abnormal content of amniotic fluid to send to the institution of medico-genetic consultation in order to get the recommendations for planning future pregnancies.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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