Calculation of meridional neutral winds in middle latitudes from the Irkutsk incoherent scatter radar data
Щербаков Александр1, Shcherbakov Aleksandr2, Медведев Андрей1, Medvedev Andrey2, Кушнарев Дмитрий1, Kushnarev Dmitriy2, Толстиков Максим1, Tolstikov Maksim2, Алсаткин Сергей1, Alsatkin Sergei2
1. Институт солнечно-земной физики СО РАН 2. Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
The paper sequentially presents technique for determining velocity of meridional neutral winds from the Irkutsk Incoherent Scatter Radar (IISR) data. Due to IISR specific features effective at other IS radars, techniques for determining ionosphere parameters, in particular plasma drift velocities, resulted in considerable variance of defined parameters. To measure the plasma drift velocity taking into account such IISR features, we have developed a special technique based on phase analysis of autocorrelation function of incoherent scatter signal. The technique needs to be tested, and for this purpose, an experiment was carried out to measure velocities of low-orbit satellites. However, methods for meridional neutral wind calculations used by many authors [Evans, 1970] with the use of drift velocities obtained before, resulted in great disagreements with empirical HWM93 and HWM07 wind models. In addition, simultaneous measurements at two frequencies at IISR showed that it was difficult to explain such differences without taking into account the cross-field movements. Possible underestimation of the impact of movements generated by electric fields can result in serious error in determining wind velocities. The paper considers improvements for methods of calculating winds, and shows that the results obtained with it are in a better agreement with wind models.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
Space and Planetary Science,Atmospheric Science,Geophysics
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