1. LLP Agrofirm «AKAS»
2. West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan
The aim of the research is improving measures for the prevention of periodic colisepticaemia infection of hens in industrial poultry farming. To ensure reliable protection of the poultry flock and break the epizootological chain, an optimal scheme of therapeutic measures was developed for chickens of the Rhodonit 3, Hajseks Braun, Braun Nik crosses. Therapeutic measures were carried out in private farms as of causative agent of infection for industrial poultry farming. In the course of conducting an administrative control of private farms of entrepreneurs engaged in incubation, breeding and keeping in exercise pens chickens, guinea fowls, pheasants and turkeys in exercise pens, it was found that periodic mortality of birds from colisepticaemia was the result of violations or non-implementation of therapeutic and preventive measures. Past-mortem examination of non-incubated chickens, tur-keys, guinea fowls and pheasants revealed pathanatomical changes in liver, lungs, heart, and kidneys. In the ex-periment with colistin antibiotic use, of the polypeptide group, which is active in regard to colibacillosis, the flock of 126990 heads participated. With oral use, colistin is practically not absorbed, it is not exposed to digestive en-zymes, thus creating a high colistin antibacterial concentration in the intestine. In an experimental poultry farm, 30- and 60-days-old chickens were treated with the colistin AVZ antibiotic. The drug was prescribed at the rate of 1 liter of the antibiotic colistin AVZ per 4000 liters of drinking water. The colistin AVZ solution was prepared just before drinking and chickens had it during 2 hours after morning feeding for 7 days (the same procedure was repeated until the flock reached 60 days of age). Chickens were not given antibiotics of the controlled farm. After the antibiotic treatment, the safety of the flock was controlled on the daily basis. A Past-mortem examination was performed with a pathoanatomical diagnosis determination and subsequent laboratory test of the pathological material. The bird mortality in the experimental poultry farm was significantly less (949 heads for the entire period of the experiment) than that in the control group
(6931 heads).
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