Yield composition and phytosanitary state of winter triticale, depending on sowing management methods


Колесар ,Kolesar Valeriya,Ахмадиева ,Akhmadieva Alsu,Сафин ,Safin Radik


The yield composition peculiarities of winter triticale were studied, depending on the application rate and the use of fungicides. The differences in the development of root rot and leaf fungal infections of triticale were revealed, when sown with different seeding rates. The positive effect of the use of fungicides on the yield of winter triticale confirmed. Optimum seeding rate for Nemchinovskiy 56 variety was 5 million seeds per hectare. An effect of seeding rates and fungicide treatment on disease development and productivity of winter triticale determined by vegetation conditions of crop. In optimal conditions for overwintering and development of plants in spring and summer the advantage had the higher seeding rates, whereas in the more arid conditions of maximum values for yield were at a rate of 4.0 million seed per hectare. The maximum value of the biological efficacy of fungicide against leaf fungal infections was at higher seeding rates. The minimum development of septoria spot of leaf on the background without using fungicides was at higher seeding rates (5 and 6 million seeds per hectare), the minimum values of rhynchosporium disease were at sowing norm of 4.0 million per hectare. The maximum value of the biological efficacy against both fungal infections has been at the application of the fungicide in the version with a seeding rate of 6.0 million seeds per hectare. An effect of seeding rates and fungicide treatment on disease development and productivity of winter triticale is determined by vegetation conditions. Having optimal conditions for overwintering and development of plants in spring and summer, we had the advantage of higher seeding rates, whereas in the more arid conditions the maximum values of yield were at a seeding rate of 4.0 million seeds per hectare. The maximum value of the biological efficacy of fungicide against leaf fungal infections was at higher seeding rates.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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