The surgical treatment of patients with colorectal cancer with metastases in the next organs and tissues


Тананян ,Tananyan A.


The article presents the results of a comprehensive approach in the surgical treatment of patients with colorectal cancer complicated by acute or partial intestinal obstruction and metastases in the next organs and tissues. In cases of acute intestinal obstruction, surgery was carried out in the first 2-4 hours after admission for treatment at the clinic, according to the indications of observation in the hospital, at different times after admission to hospital in a planned manner. In the surgical treatment of colorectal cancer with metastasis to nearby lymph nodes and adjacent organs and tissues, single-stage surgery was performed to remove the tumor en bloc together with sites metastatic organs and tissues. During the period of post-operative rehabilitation of all patients received appropriate intensive rehabilitation treatment aimed at prevention of septic complications, using antibacterial drugs, with the restoration and normalization of water and electrolyte balance, and protein, the active maintenance of the functions of vital organs and systems. Treatment of colorectal cancer complicated by colonic obstruction and metastases, with differentiated approach can serve as prevention of probability of a favorable outcome of the immediate and long-term results.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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