Laser and Radiowave Technologies in Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology


Lipova E1,Rakhmatulina M1,Glazko I1,Chekmarev A1


1. State Research Center – Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency


The article presents current data on the use of laser and radio-wave techniques in dermatology and cosmetology. Types of lasers, reactions of interaction of laser light with skin are characterized, the detailed characteristic of low-intensity and high-intensity laser radiation and opportunities of their application in dermatology and cosmetology is given. Ablative and non-ablative methods of skin exposure, the principle of fractional laser photothermolysis are described. The method of radiowave influence on tissues and its modes is presented. The principles of radiowave surgery and the possibility of using radiowave techniques in the treatment of skin tumors and aesthetic cosmetology are discussed. The data on the use of Plasma RFL regime for plasma skin rejuvenation are described.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Nuclear Energy and Engineering

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