Concerning the Tritium Dose at the Cellular Level


Timofeev L1,Maksimov A1,Kochetkov O.2,Klochkov V.3


1. A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center, Moscow, Russia

2. A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of FMBA

3. A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center (FMBC) FMBA


Purpose: To adapt traditional method of soft beta emitters’ dose calculation to the individual biological cells, to estimate the value of absorbed dose-rate factors for different tritium compounds on a cellular level. Material and methods: Approximation for point-source function obtained by L.V. Timofeev, G.B. Radzievsky et al. was used to adapt macroscopic beta-particle dosimetry methods to the area of subcellular structures. Results: Using the introduced concept of irradiated cell model base states the analytical expressions for absorbed dose in subcellular structures were suggested for non-uniform activity distributions of soft beta emitters in human tissue. The values of absorbed dose-rate factors for the case of organically bounded tritium confined to the nucleus (1.8 mGy/decay for 3H-thymidine) and for the case of tritiated water uniformly distributed throughout tissue (3.510-3 mGy/decay) were obtained. Conclusion: It can be assumed that traditional method of soft beta emitters’ dose calculation is adapted to the individual biological cells. The proposed methodology is supposed to be used in the future when constructing, based on experimental data, a biokinetic model of the intake of tritium organic compounds in the human body.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Nuclear Energy and Engineering

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