Psychophysiological Adaptation of a Patient with Acute Radiated Sickness of Average Degree and Acute Leukemia


Metlyaeva Nelya1,Bushmanov A.1,Galstyan I.1,Davtyan A.1,Sukhova M.2,Skorobogatykh E.2,Shcherbatykh O.1


1. A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of FMBA

2. AI Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center, Russia


Purpose: Clinical and psychophysiological assessment of the adaptation of a patient who suffered from acute radiation sickness of moderate severity after the Chernobyl accident and acute leukemia, which began 30 years after the transferred ARS. Material and methods: A clinical and psychophysiological examination of a patient who suffered from acute radiation sickness of moderate severity after the Chernobyl accident and acute leukemia that occurred 30 years after the Chernobyl accident was carried out. The object of the study was the patient D.R.I., born in 1950, deputy. Head of the Chernobyl NPP workshop, participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the 1986 Chernobyl accident. On April 26, 1986, during an emergency, he underwent relatively uniform beta-gamma radiation with the development of ARS II (moderate) severity. Within 3.5 hours after the accident was in the premises of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. In the structure of ARS, bone marrow syndrome of the second degree and oropharyngeal syndrome of the first degree of severity were observed. The radiation dose, according to a cytogenetic study, was 3.4 Gy. A psychophysiological study was carried out using the MMPI methodology, the Cattell’s 16 Personality Factors Test, the Expert automated software and methodological complex, designed to study the personality characteristics of a person, the cognitive and intellectual characteristics of a person, the Raven’s Progressive Matrices, simple and complex sensorimotor reactions and reactions to a moving object, 15 (2001) and 30 years (2016) after the Chernobyl radiation accident. Results: The clinical and psychophysiological assessment of the personality and the actual mental state made it possible to determine the demonstrative-hypochondriacal type of disturbance in the psychophysiological adaptation with the tendency for the anxiety-depressive behavior of the patient to progress to a state of increasing depression, more pronounced in dynamics. Conclusion: The psychophysiological assessment of the personality and current mental state of the patient who had ARS, moderate and, 30 years after the Chernobyl accident, acute leukemia showed a demonstrative-hypochondria type of adaptation disorder, as a variant of a disharmonious combination of hypochondria, anxiety-depressive and demonstrative tendencies with a predominance of demonstrativeness (the first, second and third scale of the MMPI methodology) with a significant decrease on the ninth scale in the form of an increase in depression in dynamics. The prevalence of demonstrativeness over growing depression in a person with high intellect, good figurative and logical thinking, and a lack of sensorimotor inhibition is a manifestation of optimism and resistance to a serious illness.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Nuclear Energy and Engineering

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