The Human Existence Analytics: an Introduction to the Experience of Self-discovery. a Systematic Study


YAchin Syergyey1


1. Dal'nevostochnyy federal'nyy universitet


This paper aims to reveal the multidimensionality of human being-in-the-world within the human existence analytics and to show that human existence is reflexively correlated with the Other. The key question is how the subject ontologically lives and at the same time existentially experiences his relations to the world. The distinction between be-living and living through human’s being-in-the-world is substantiated as the principle of onto-phenomenological differentiation. Within the irreducible multiplicity of human relations to the world four modes of human experience are formed: the transcendent, the symbolic, the objective and the sensual ones. Ultimately, it is shown that the key to understanding the human existence is the highest form of its correlation with the Other: the ethical relation. Thus, the universal for the world philosophy understanding of man as ethical and, as such, reasonable being is expounded. The paper can be of interest to anyone who is concerned with the problem of man and who is familiar with some basic philosophical approaches to it.


INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC.

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