Legal Status of the Northern Sea Route of the Russian Federation


Гаврилов Вячеслав,Gavrilov Vyachyeslav


This article addresses to the key issues of the legal status of the Northern Sea Route in the historical perspective and in accordance with the Russian legislation. It contains the comparative characteristic of the Russian approach to this issue and the Canada´s rule-making activity in this area. It describes the characteristic features of the legal status of the internal waters, exclusive economic zone and some arctic straits of Russia in this context. Gives an answer to the question of its correlation with the norms of contemporary international law of the sea and, in particular, with the UN Convention of 1982. In this regard, the paper emphasizes that relevant Russian and Canadian legislation should be treated as lex specialis in relation to the regulation of navigation in the Arctic coastal areas that provide for higher navigation standards and requirements as compared to the international norms of international law of the sea. It is concluded that the integrity and specificity of the legal status of the Northern Sea Route, as well as the Russia´s ability to control using of it can be justified as by a logistic unity of this national transport communication of Russia and by features of the region, where it passes. Indicated the need for further development of regional and international cooperation in the Arctic and for creation of international instruments defining its terms and content. Here lies the key to the peaceful and effective use of resources and spaces of the Arctic taking into consideration the national interests of Russia and other Arctic countries.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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