Comparativist character of world politics as discipline (from the experience of teaching to post graduates)


Наквакина Екатерина,Nakvakina Yekatyerina


Relatively young discipline “World Politics” is not a pure comparativist course of lectures. Nevertheless it contains many comparisons. World Politics does not devoted to contemporary international relations. It describes first of all the most burning problems for our planet and actions of different social and political forces at the world arena, including states, transnational companies, social movements, civic organizations, etc. This approach demands comparisons to be made when we speak for example, about globalization in different countries, economic and political integration at concrete continents, problems of migration, education, medical services, food rations in various states. World Politics is linked with classical Political Science but it contains very important foreign component. In the nearest future the progress of knowledge will make one step further. Comparative Global Science (Global Comparativistika) may be a reality. Simultaneously in Legal Sciences the logical next step for Comprative Law will be State and Legal Comparative Studies. So unprecedented promotion of comparative method in humanity sciences is the result of globalization.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

Reference3 articles.

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