Importance of Non-Invasive Study of Microcirculation in the Limb at Assessment Amputation Level in the Patients with Critical Ischemia (Review)


Петриевский ,Petrievskiy S.,Сорока ,Soroka V.,Нохрин ,Nokhrin S.,Рязанов ,Ryazanov A.,Белоусов ,Belousov E.


The development of modern vascular surgery is impossible without improvement of diagnostic methods of examination. The development of severe disorders of blood circulation in limbs, beyond compensation, ends up executing amputation. In the present review the authors considered one of the current problems of modern vascular surgery - high amputation in patients with critical ischemia of lower extremities, the truncation of the leg. According to the majority authors, the main reason for early purulent - necrotic complications in high amputation is the mistake of determining the level of amputation. This fact is accompanied by a sharp reduction in the duration and quality of life, which entails increasing social burden and increases economic costs of rehabilitation of patients. One of the possible solutions to this problem is to study the safety regulatory mechanisms resistive Department microcirculation (arterioles, precapillary sphincters and metarterioles). This article presents the available arsenal of vascular surgery: methods of diagnostics of the microcirculation. It is proved the critical role of non-invasive methods for measuring microcirculatory disorders in critical limb ischemia (CLI) when the doctors choose the level of amputation. It is a comprehensive assessment of blood circulation in tissues and tissue metabolism allows to giving an objective answer on the degree of ischemic damage to the tissue in occlusive diseases of arteries of lower extremities.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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