Role of social environment factors in the teaching of mathematics in the process of psycho-pedagogical support


Аниськина Марфа,Aniskina Marfa


The article is devoted to theoretical and practical issues of teaching mathematics in high school. The article analyzes the influence of factors of the social environment on higher education, including the teaching of mathematics. Among all studied subjects higher mathematics is a particular educational discipline, knowledge of mathematics is the basis for the study of many applied sciences. The subject of mathematics as an academic discipline in the University is one of the fundamental subjects of general education. The author examines the necessity of psychological and pedagogical support of the process of adaptation to University and support. The article describes the essence of psychological and pedagogical support of University education. Studying the social environment, the author takes into account the factors which are the result of human interaction and which influence at the same time on the behavior and emotional state of people. The article examines the role of environment, including social environment, and the role of the learning process. The author analyzes some factors of the social environment and describes the specifics of teaching mathematics and the specifics of training for various forms of education: fulltime education and correspondence courses. The article examines acmeological approach to teaching. The article notes that in acmeological understanding the main direction of development is the movement of a person to selfactualization, the fulfillment of inner potential, achievement of new heights, including internal ones. The article reveals the need for ownership of acmeological technologies for teachers engaged in psycho-pedagogical support of learning. The author identifies complex issues that impede learning and the work of the teacher: the low level of initial knowledge of students, insufficient development of students ‘ interest in education, attitudes to education not as to a painstaking, systematic, domestic work, but as to the formal execution of a set of some external, unrelated to the student tasks.


Russian State University of Tourism and Service

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1. Psychological and pedagogic aspects of mathematical training of future engineers of fire-technical specialties;Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics;2022-08-25







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