Optimization of radiation safety of patients during uterine artery embolization in patients with uterine fibroids and uterine bleeding the modified procedure


Шарафутдинов ,Sharafutdinov B.,Рыжкин ,Ryzhkin S.


In the present review modern data on uterine artery embolization for treatment of uterine fibroid is summarized. Treatment outcomes and safety concerns are discussed. The special attention is turned on impact of uterine artery embolization for radiation safety and acceptability of this method of treatment in patients of young reproductive age. In 2013, on the basis of separation and angiographic studies rentgenoperatsionnyh Gause RCH №2 Opti-mization catheterization technique of uterine artery embolization to reduce the dose of ionizing radiation patients and reduce the time of the endovascular intervention. The article concludes that the proposed modified technique of endovascular intervention includes all the positive sides used today endovascular techniques for the UAE and has a number of advantages associated with an increase in the radiation safety of patients. Using a modified technique of uterine artery catheterization when the UAE, led primarily to a reduction in fluoroscopy time and the operation as a whole, had a positive impact on reducing radiation exposure to patients, which is extremely important for women of childbearing age with unrealized reproductive function.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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