Control features of the functional state of human body at the health-restorative treatments


Суворов ,Suvorov N.,Мунассар ,Munassar M.,Ахлаков ,Akhlakov M.


This article discusses the possibilities of self-regulation processes and control of physiological functions of the human body to restore the biochemical components of disturbances in various pathologies. The possibilities of research and forecasting of the functional state on the basis of the previously proposed methods and technical means of the functional state control by evaluating of physiological parameters in the operator activities were studied. Using the technology of research in operator activity and on the basis of the obtained data, the technique to control the functional state of human body at drug intake according to a diagnosis was developed. For this purpose a self-regulatory system with the afferent and efferent connections, proposed by P. K. Anokhin, was applied. The technical means are provided by an information feedback, which activates the efferent feed-back and gives possibility of control the functional state of the organism when receiving information in coded forms. In this article, the original is the drug dosage control depending on the state changes of the human body. To ensure information feedback and generating signals in coded forms, the physiological parameters depending on the diagnosis are registered. The results are compared with normalized values, which are stored in the memory unit. According to the obtained data, an image on the monitor, which is used as a source of information for the patient, is formed.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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