
Хазели ,Khazeli Reza


The article describes the socio-economic problems of labor migration in Russia, CIS and the world in General. It is noted that Russia plays the role of a donor country supplying manpower to the markets of host countries, however, in relation to the CIS and some neighbouring Asian countries, Russia is the host country. The causes of migration flows directed to and from Russia our country abroad are studied. The segments of the labor market in which workers compete with citizens of the Russian Federation are identified. The social, economic and legal problems of labour migrants are analyzed. It is emphasized that the main problems at present are born not by the scale of immigration to Russia, and its spontaneous, uncontrolled character. The mechanisms of harmonization of social and labour relations on the labour market are proposed.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Religious studies,Cultural Studies

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1. Migration Processes in the CIS Border Space and Their Impact on Russia's Economic Security;Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Economics. Sociology. Management;2023-10-30







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