Formation of willow populations on the bottomland island in lower reach of the Northern Dvina River


Браславская ,Braslavskaya Tatiana,Пахов ,Pahov Aleksandr


To study primary succession of floodplain woody vegetation data were collected on recently appeared places of coast in the 2nd year after willow establishment. Invading willow species are Salix triandra, S. viminalis, S. acutifolia; all plants of these species were counted on sample plots, also onto-genetic stage and vitality of the specimens were registered as well as environment conditions on the plots (such as relative elevation, cover of silt, herbs and mosses). Analysis of correlations between population density and environment conditions reveals few significant relationships; it could be explained through severe inter-annual fluctuations of spring-flow regime which determine establishment processes of each year.


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

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