Practical Aspects of the Implementation of the Strategic Approach in the Management of the Region


Chernysheva T.1


1. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


This work is devoted to the study of practical aspects of the implementation of a strategic approach in regional management using the example of the Khabarovsk Territory. The relevance of the chosen topic is since currently a significant problem remains unresolved: in the presence of many multi-level strategic planning documents, the strategic management system shows rather low efficiency. At the same time, bringing the regulatory framework in line with the provisions of Decree No. 474 leads to a strengthening of the role of regions in the process of implementing national goals through regional projects. The paper analyzes the positions of the Far Eastern Federal District against the background of the countries of East and Southeast Asia, and presents the results of a SWOT analysis of the factors of socio-economic development of the Khabarovsk Territory in the long term. Also, through the formal legal method, the analysis of strategic planning documents of the Khabarovsk Territory in the context of the implementation of national goals was carried out. Based on the results obtained, the author has compiled a comprehensive scheme for the implementation of national development goals in the Khabarovsk Territory. The work emphasizes that the mechanisms for monitoring and monitoring the progress of the implementation and execution of regional projects in the Khabarovsk Territory have found their normative expression in the methodological documents of the region. It is concluded that it is necessary to formalize strategic planning documents, which implies the introduction of unified approaches to their development and monitoring of implementation.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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