Logistic Solutions for the Organization of Combined Cargo Transportation


Procenko I.1,Merkur'ev G.1,Bahmet'ev N.1


1. Russian presidential Academy of national economy and public administration


The article is devoted to the organization of combined cargo transportation in the activities of logistic operators on the Russian market. The paper considers features of the organization of combined cargo transportation and the related directions and tasks of the logistic services development in the modern market. Methodological tools of the research: analysis of the statistical sources of information reflecting the specifics, delivery schemes and problems in the organization of combined cargo transportation. The authors, conducting a study of the functioning, one of the largest 3 PL operators providing logistic services for the combined cargo transportation, identified problems in this process. This allowed to develop and offer a tool for improving this process, which reduces not only time costs, but also improves the quality of logistic service for the client.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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