Classification of Retail Chain services


Valeeva Yu.1


1. Kazan State Power Engineering University


The relevance of the development of theoretical provisions for the classification of services of retail trade networks is predetermined by the modern transformation of the trade industry, where the services provided by the chains are formed on the basis of building communications with all participants in the consumer market. The main purpose of the article is to generalize the approach to the classification of services and the implementation of a value-oriented and process approach to the content and identification of the classification features of services of retail trade networks. The article presents modern foreign and domestic approaches to the classification of retail trade services. Certain features are highlighted and the expediency of taking into account the network forms of organizing trade services in the formation of classification signs is indicated. In the presented article, the service of a retail trade network is considered as a result, an action and a process. On the other hand, the retail chain service is viewed through the prism of value for suppliers, end-users and owners on the network. The implementation of the value approach allows taking into account consumer preferences, as well as the interests of the network owners in the development of retail facilities, ensuring the quality of trade services, developing the infrastructure of the territory, paying attention to the requests and proposals of agricultural producers, processors, service providers. which create services according to the format of goods circulation. The application of the process and value approach made it possible to single out the components of the service and propose their own classification. This classification will allow, in the future, to develop an appropriate methodology for assessing the effectiveness of retail trade network services, as well as to develop management decisions at the enterprise level, to build more effective communications with all participants in the consumer market.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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