Digital Transformation of the Service Sector


Shevchenko D.1,Mihaylov V.


1. Moscow Polytech


The article is devoted to the problems of digital transformation of companies in the service sector. The article describes the concepts of "digitization", "digitalization", "digital transformation", "automation". The analysis of the main sectors of the public services sector, the processes of transformation into a new business model of their development is carried out. Specific examples show the role of digital technologies implemented by individual companies, the leaders of their industry: "Internet of Things" (IoT); virtual diagnostics of the service; mobile applications and portals; artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI / ML); remote maintenance; UX design; virtual reality; cloud technologies; online services and others. The authors proceed from understanding the difference between automation and digitalization, the strategic goal of which is to create a new digital business model that creates new value. The result of digital transformation is the reconfiguration of processes that change the business logic of the company and the process of creating value. The article concludes that the rapid development of new technologies leads to the fact that companies face not only a dilemma when choosing the most suitable technologies for investment, but also the problem of staffing and finding an adequate organizational structure to create and maintain a new business model of the company.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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